ABWK Videos

We now have a dedicated page to ABWK videos, at the moment these are partner work demonstrations from our course with Takagi Sensei and Sonoda Sensei. They can be found here. Remember, these videos are there for you to see the partner work but the best way to learn...

More New Photos

We have added some new photos to the Kingston Wadokai and Chester-le-Street Wadokai pages. Recently Kingston Wadokai held their first in house club competition and there are a selection of photos here. Also, Chester-le-Street Wadokai celebrated their 25th Anniversary...


If you haven’t already, have a look at our gallery.  We have a selection of images from technical courses over the last few years and we will continue to add more pictures over time.  Click on ABWK Photos to have a look.


Welcome to our new website! Here you will find all the information you need about All Britain Wadokai, please use the menu to navigate through the site.