While training, instructors will often use a number of Japanese words. The instructor will use the Japanese word and an English translation. Hearing both the Japanese and English helps you become more familiar with the Japanese words over time and rely less on the English translation.
To help with this, we have some of the most commonly used Japanese words and the translation that are used when training and grading.
Good Morning | Ohayo Gozaimasu |
Hello | Konnichiwa |
Good Evening | Kombanwa |
Instructor | Sensei |
Karate Student | Karateka |
Yes | Hai |
No | iie |
Thank You Very Much | Domo Arigato Gozaiamasu |
Training Suit | Gi |
Belt | Obi |
Left | Hidari |
Right | Migi |
Begin | Hajime |
Once again | Moichido |
Training Hall | Dojo |
One | ichi |
Two | ni |
Three | san |
Four | shi |
Five | go |
Six | roku |
Seven | shichi |
Eight | hachi |
Nine | kyu |
Ten | ju |
Junzuki |
Kette Junzuki |
Junzuki no Tsukkomi |
Kette Junzuki no Tsukkomi |
Gyakuzuki |
Kette Gyakuzuki |
Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi |
Kette Gyakuzuki no Tsukkomi |
Tobikomizuki |
Tobikomi Nagashizuki |
Uraken |
Maegeri |
Mawashigeri |
Sokutogeri |
Ushirogeri |
Nidan geri |
Ura Mawashigeri |
Yoko Maegeri |