ABWK Course Registration and Dan Grade Application
What days will you be attending:*
Complete the following section for Dan Grading - Skip to the bottom if not grading
If you're under 18, please provide the contact details for a parent or guardian

Name that will be used for Dan Grade Certificate:
Date of Birth: This is needed for JKF Wado Kai Headquarters Records
What will be your age on the day of the Dan Grading? Please provide a number only:
Full address including post code:
What is your current grade:
What is the level of Dan Grade are you applying for and you wish to take on the day:
Please provide the date of your previous Dan Grade? This is only required for those taking 2nd Dan and above.:
Please provide the diploma reference number of your previous Dan Grade? This is only required for those taking 2nd Dan and above:
What is your JKF Wado Kai Membership number? This is only required for those taking 2nd Dan and above: