September 5, 2015 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

On September 5th 2015 Cumbria JKF Wadokai will be hosting its 40th Anniversary karate course at Moorclose Sports Centre, Newlands Lane South, Workington, CA14 3SA, between 1pm – 5pm.

You are cordially invited to attend this special event which promises to be a unique occasion with instructors from the past and the present spanning some 40 years of karate in the region.

The course content will cover aspects of kihon, kumite and kata, the three cornerstones of all karate-do systems; and there will also be techniques of Wado’s unique movement’s from Idori (kneeling defence), Tanto Dori (knife defence) and Shinken Shiraha Dori (sword defence).

If you could please confirm your attendance to John or Lesley via our Facebook page www.facebook.com/cumbriajkfwadokai or via our e-mail address cumbria@wadokai.org.uk .