Leo McDermott – 7th Dan JKF Wadokai
Treasurer, Instructor
Dan grade history
Shodan. 1977 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai. Walter Seaton Sensei 7th Dan.
Nidan. 1979. EKW. Seaton Sensei.
Sandan. 1982. EKW. Seaton Sensei.
Yondan. 1990. EKW Seaton Sensei.
Godan. 2007. JKF Wado-Kai. (Confirmation Grading) Shingo Ohgami Sensei 8th Dan JKF Wado Kai.
Rokudan. 2014. JKF Wadokai – Tokyo, Japan.
Nanadan. 2019. JKF Wadokai – Hamamatsu, Japan
2nd Kyu Kata Referee Licence JKF 2013.
3rd Kyu Instructor Licence – JKF 2013.
3rd Kyu Examiner Licence – JKF 2014.
2nd Kyu Instructor Licence – JKF 2015. Tokyo, Japan.
2nd Kyu Examiner Licence – JKF 2015.

John Stephenson – 7th Dan JKF Wadokai
General Secretary, Instructor
I started my formal training at Billingham Karate Club in September 1979 under Ian Hales and Keith Howard being part of England Karate Do-Wado-Kai under the leadership of Walter Seaton Sensei 7th Dan.
I was privileged enough to be made both a National Coach and Chief Coaching Officer for the EKW and greatly enjoyed these roles over the years.
After receiving an invitation to train with the ABWK at Bannatynes in Ingleby Barwick I found that I greatly enjoyed not only the excellent Wado training and teaching but the friendliness of the students who welcomed me with open arms.
Dan grade history
1st Dan 1983 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai. Walter Seaton Sensei 7th Dan.
2nd Dan 1985 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai. Seaton Sensei
3rd Dan 1989 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai. Seaton Sensei
4th Dan 1994 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai. Seaton Sensei
5th Dan 2001 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai.
6th Dan 2010 with England Karate Do-Wado-Kai.
England Karate Do-Wado-Kai National Coach.
England Karate Do-Wado-Kai Chief Coaching Officer.
1st Dan JKF Wadokai with Tamaki Sonoda 7th Dan.
2nd Dan JKF Wadokai with Koichi Shimura 7th Dan.
3rd Dan JKF Wadokai with ABWK Technical Committee and Hideo Takagi.
4th Dan JKF Wadokai with Hideo Takagi and Tamaki Sonoda.
5th Dan JKF Wadokai with Hideo Takagi and Tamaki Sonoda.
3rd kyu Instructor Licence. JKF 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
2nd kyu Instructor Licence. JKF 2017, Tokyo, Japan.

Graham Chilton – 6th Dan JKF Wadokai
President, Instructor
I began training September 1975 with Sensei Walter Seaton, over the years I have trained with many great instructors past and present and I am forever striving to improve.
Dan grade history
1st Dan in 1982 with Sensei Walter Seaton EKW
2nd Dan in 1992 with Sensei Walter Seaton EKW
3rd Dan with the WKF
4th Dan with the WKF
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Dan Confirmation Grades with Sensei Shingo Ohgami JKF Sweden
5th Dan with Sensei Shingo Ohgami JKF Sweden
6th Dan with the JKF Wadokai Technical Committee in Hamamatsu, Japan
3rd kyu instructor, JKF Wadokai Technical Committee, Switzerland September 2023
I have been an Instructor for many years now teaching at various clubs starting with Teesside Polytechnic in 1980. I also had a junior club within Billingham Forum for over 10 years and saw many students obtain their Dan Grades.
I am founder member of the WKF which has now become All Britain Wado Kai.
I have constantly trained for almost 40 years now and I shall continue to do so with dedication, commitment and loyalty to Karate and the A.B.W.K.

Alex Hodgson – 6th Dan JKF Wadokai
Alex began his karate journey one Tuesday night in 2000 as a shy young boy. Little did he know that something he started to try and build up his self esteem would become a life long passion.
Over the years Alex has trained with many Japanese instructors in an attempt to improve his technique and also competed at the British National Championships in 2004.
He will mostly be found at the clubs around Ingleby Barwick and his karate journey has come full circle as he now teaches in the very Tuesday night class he started in.
Dan grade history
Shodan – 2003, Leo McDermott Sensei
Shodan JKF Wadokai – 2007, Shingo Ohgami Sensei
Nidan JKF Wadokai – 2010, Shingo Ohgami Sensei
Sandan JKF Wadokai – 2012, Shingo Ohgami Sensei
Yondan JKF Wadokai – 2015, Hideho Takagi Sensei, Nagoya, Japan
3rd Kyu Instructor Licence – 2015, Nagoya, Japan
Godan JKF Wadokai – 2018, Hideho Takagi Sensei, Tokyo, Japan

Gene Buchanan – 5th Dan JKF Wadokai
Chairman, Instructor
Dan grade history
Shodan 1995 WKF
Nidan 1998 WKF
Sandan 2002 WKF
Sandan JKF Wadokai 2007 (Confirmation grade) Shingo Ohgami Sensei.
Yondan JKF Wadokai 2013 Hideho Takagi Sensei.
3rd kyu Instructor Licence. JKF 2017, Gifu, Japan.
Godan JKF Wadokai 2019 Tamaki Sonoda Sensei

Lesley Fisher – 5th Dan JKF Wadokai
Instructor, Secretary
Lesley has been training Wado-Kai karate for 32 years. Lesley started training with ABWK at Ingleby Barwick 2 years ago and was that impressed with the Instructors and Students alike, she affiliated with them. Cumbria Wadokai did not want to lose Lesley, so they asked if they could move with her. Since then, CWK have gone from strength to strength with ABWK, attending many of the courses that they organise, which has given them the opportunity to train Wado-Kai with Japanese Masters and Senior ABWK Instructors all over the UK.

Martin Tiffen – 5th Dan JKF Wadokai
I started my karate training in 1998 at my local karate club My local club was part of the England karate-do Wadokai where I achieved the rank of 3rd dan. Not long after taking my 3rd Dan I started to train over at Cumbria Wadokai under the guidance of Sensei Lesley Fisher and Sensei John Stephenson. After training at Cumbria Wadokai for some months, I decided to leave the EKW and join the ABWK to further my learning of traditional Wadokai.
Dan grade history
1st Dan 2004 EKW
2nd Dan EKW
3rd Dan 2015 EKW
1st Dan JKF February 2016 ABWK Technical Committee
2nd Dan JKF September 2016 ABWK Technical Committee and Tamaki Sonoda
3rd Dan JKF November 2018 ABWK Technical Committee
4thDan JKF February 2023 Tokyo,Japan JKF Wadokai Technical Committee
3rd kyu instructors JKF February 2023 Tokyo,Japan JKF Wadokai Technical Committee
3rd kyu examiners JKF April 2023Tokyo,Japan JKF Wadokai Technical Committee
5th Dan JKF September 2023 Switzerland, JKF Wadokai Technical Committee
2nd kyu instructors JKF February 2024 Tokyo,Japan JKF Wadokai Technical Committee